Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fwd: Adoration Time

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Your 40 Days for Life El Cajon Team <>
Date: Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Subject: Adoration Time
To: <>

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Dear Prolife Friends,

For the awakening of hearts and minds to the dignity of all pre-born human life, our El Cajon 40 Days for Life prayer teams will be completing an accumulative total of "40 Hours of Adoration", in front of the Blessed Sacrament, during the week of September 16th through 22nd.  Below are different locations where you can go and pray this way. You may already have the ability to pray this way at your parish, we only ask that you let us know where, what date, and how much the time you will be praying. We are keeping track to assure we reach our accumulative goal of 40 hours.

Please keep in mind the sole intent of our prayers will be for a successful 40 Days for Life Fall campaign that ends abortion in El Cajon, but always in accordance with God's Will. 
Thank you for praying with us. We are hoping this little "extra" prayer and sacrifice we make before we begin our 40 Days for Life campaign on September 25th will bring us ever closer to God's presence within us and bring about His Graces to free women from the horrendous affects that abortion has on their lives and souls, and in our society as a whole.
Come Holy Spirit, Come. Blessed Mother, pray with us, through us and for all.

God Bless you,
Your 40 Days for Life El Cajon Team

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Availability:
*Holy Trinity Catholic Church: Daily M-F 7:00am-7:45am 
*St. Peters Chaldean Church, Chapel behind the church: Daily 8:00am - 10:00pm  
*Church of St. Luke: Friday After 8:00am Mass-12:00pm 
*Queen of Angels, Alpine: Friday after Mass - 9:30am 
*Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Lakeside: Saturday after 8:00am Mass- 9:30am
*Our Lady of Grace: Wednesday, 6:00pm-8:00pm 
St John of the Cross in Lemon Grove and several others have 24 hour Adoration Chapels that require codes/keys for entry- you must be a parishioner. However, you can usually enter these Chapels from inside the church after mass.  

Fall Campaign: September 25th - November 3rd, 2024

For more information contact us at:





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"Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer"--Ronnie James Dio (July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010)

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Fwd: Trump administration's gag rule is dangerous and unethical! (signature needed)

Well this is an unexpected email.  I guess they don't know me.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Planned Parenthood via Daily Kos <>
Date: Sun, Dec 30, 2018 at 3:02 PM
Subject: Trump administration's gag rule is dangerous and unethical! (signature needed)
To: <>


The Trump administration's dangerous gag rule could block patients around the country from getting the vital reproductive health care they need. It would interfere with the relationship between doctors and their patients -- all because the Trump administration wants to restrict the private decisions people make with their doctors.

Planned Parenthood flooded the Department of Health and Human Services with official comments, which has slowed down this rule already -- but they haven't gotten your signature yet, Robert. So we're sending this as a reminder that we need your help.

Add your name to voice your opposition to this dangerous rule and help Planned Parenthood protect reproductive care for MILLIONS! >>

Dr. Leana Wen, President
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Now more than ever, we need your voice!

Planned Parenthood supporters submitted hundreds of thousands of comments urging the Trump-Pence administration not to implement its dangerous gag rule — but the rule could be officially released any day now!

Sign now to tell the Trump administration that you won't back down to help to protect reproductive health and rights in this country! >>



The Trump administration's gag rule will put access to care and information at risk for millions of people, and he is planning to release it any moment now. That means that people who otherwise couldn't afford it will lose access to free or low cost reproductive health care — and we need your help.

Robert, in moments of crisis like this, we count on supporters like you to step up for the millions of patients who turn to Planned Parenthood health centers for quality, nonjudgmental health care every day.

Add your name now to let the administration know that you stand with Planned Parenthood! >>


There's no question that this rule is dangerous. Millions of Title X patients — over 40 percent of whom are patients at Planned Parenthood health centers — rely on the program for quality, affordable birth control and other preventive care. The American Medical Association has said this gag rule will "dangerously interfere with the patient-physician relationship ... and jeopardize public health" — and thousands of doctors, nurses, and health care providers have signed a pledge saying that the gag rule is unethical and will undermine our health and rights.

Hear me when I say this: We will never back down when it comes to providing people with the reproductive care they need to live healthy, independent lives.

Planned Parenthood has been around for more than 100 years, and we plan on being around for at least 100 more.

But this rule creates program requirements that will make it impossible for health care providers to provide comprehensive, ethical health care. Planned Parenthood and many other providers would be unable to continue participating in the program because of our commitment to patient care. It will block patients from seeing the Planned Parenthood nurses and doctors they trust.

Sign the petition now to commit to helping defend access to reproductive health care! >>


In the days and weeks to come, we will continue working to ensure that everybody has access to the care they need. That's just what we do here at Planned Parenthood — and I'm glad you're here with us in this important work.


Dr. Leana Wen, President
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Paid for by Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Does not equal endorsement.

Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.
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"Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer"--Ronnie James Dio (July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The January Events

I attended the Walk for Life in Balboa Park January 21. We walked a mile around a section of the Park near Sixth and Laurel, and there were some tables from about forty local organizations there. I recognized people from Life Perspectives, 40Days for Life, and Culture of Life Family Services. There were a few speakers at the event, including a couple of post-abortive women. There was also the annual vigil at Grape and Harbor the next day, but I left early because of the combination of heavy rain and lower back problems.

I've often felt divisiveness has been a major reason why pro-life hasn't achieved many victories, and have discussed it here and here. It continues to raise its ugly head, as I found out a few days ago.

I've run a few pro-life pages on Facebook over the years, among them Pro-Life Discussions. We had disagreements with one of the editors over the vaccines, and had to get rid of her. Somehow she was able to get reinstated, not as editor, but as admin, and in that position she busted the rest of usdown to editor, including those who were running the page practically since its inception. It was a stab in the back that Pro-life has never needed.


"Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer"--Ronnie James Dio (July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Life Choices Poway fundraiser

I attended the Life Choices Poway fundraiser last Thursday.  David Daleiden, who helped expose Planned Parenthood's sale of fetal tissue and organs, was on of the speakers, and at the end of the event they gave a tribute to Bob Sheridan, who founded Life Choices.  

In my last post, I mentioned that I didn't feel I could go to the 40 Minutes for Life vigil anymore with the move to Vista.  Apparently others have felt that way, because I found out at the fundraiser that they're no longer having that.  

I've tried to go to the Saturday morning vigils in El Cajon as much as I can.  I probably won't be able to go June 4, as they're having a memorial service for my neighbor Prudence, who passed away following lung cancer and heart failure.  The main reason I had made plans to move to Lakeside was to facilitate getting away from a boss I knew I needed to get away from.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to do this before he "got" me.  Prudence more than anyone had made the sense of defeat bearable.


"Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer"--Ronnie James Dio (July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Spring 40 Days for Life

Well it's the end of another 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign.  It wasn't that active, and it officially ended Sunday, March 20.  I've always considered it to end with the Good Friday Stations of the Cross in San Diego, which was on March 25 this year.

I've unfortunately had to stop going to the 40 Minutes for Life every fourth Sunday at 7 pm.  With the move from San Marcos to Vista getting down and back is much more difficult from Lakeside.  I'm pretty bummed about this, because a couple years ago I had a boss who went out of his way to keep me from going to pro-life events.  AFAIK he didn't know I was into that, but about the only days he would have me work were days I specifically asked off.  I was mentioning to a couple of co-workers that I was looking elsewhere, and maybe it got back to him, idk, but a day or two later he unexpectedly called me in on a day when I wasn't really up for working, and it affected my performance that night. As a result I had to look for work with the stigma of being unemployed, and by the time I found another job and was starting to get the hang of it some of my doctors were having questions about my health.


"Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer"--Ronnie James Dio (July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010)

Friday, July 3, 2015

My dad's last day

As usual, I attended the 40 Minutes for Life vigil in San Marcos. There's also a possibility I may be working for GrubHub in July, though I have a couple of doctor's appointments.

I've mentioned elsewhere that I lost my dad in 2009 to a very severe form of Parkinson's disease that doesn't respond to the medication Parkinson's normally responds to. I recently found out some details of my dad's passing that weren't pretty, though I'd read enough to have had a good idea. He had gone into septic shock, possibly because of mesenteric necrosis, and had been rushed to the hospital.

I'd made the mistake of not visiting him that day. My back was bothering me, and the chairs at the nursing home were quite uncomfortable, and I was scheduled to work that night. From what I'd read he was pretty much out of it, and I didn't feel it would have been productive to visit him that particular day. Any other day that might have been the right call. My sister Catherine was the only one who was there that night. Dad deserved better. As for my back, I found out after he died that I had an old compression fracture of one of my vertebrae.

"Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer"--Ronnie James Dio (July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

To those who have been following this blog

I have a new blog site at Wordpress.  I will keep this site active, but am presently sending new posts there.