Thursday, December 1, 2011

A tale of two clinic protesters

LifeNews and LifeSiteNews recently ran stories on two separate clinic protesters and the subtle and not-so-subtle hostilities they were greeted with because of their beliefs.


Both sites reprinted a blog entry by Susan Tyrel in Bound4Life, in which a woman describes her own experience with Planned Parenthood.  When Alisha, 23, went there for her pregnancy test a few years ago, the clinic seemed to automatically assume that her husband and family were forcing her to keep the child against her will. She was so outraged by their presumptuousness that she left the place.  The experience led her to do some research on Planned Parenthood's activities, which ultimately led her to take part in vigils outside Planned Parenthood clinics.


LifeNews also reports on a woman who was assaulted by the manager of an abortion clinic in Kansas because of her activities.  Kansas, it should be remembered, was where an attempt to investigate wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood was thwarted because crucial documents were destroyed.


"Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer"--Ronnie James Dio (1942-2010)

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